Inter/Action, London, 1999 – sound installation for headsets in the Southwark park during the project Inter/Action. Sound works made in collaboration with Jørgen Træen and Lasse Myrvold.
Kunstfestning, Bergen Hus Festning, 1999 – Sound installation for headphones, made in collaboration with Lasse Myrvold.
Deeper Than Blue, Tolv Netter, USF, 1998 – Light installation as part of the project Tolv Netter, (Twelve Nights), during the Nightjazz festival in Bergen. I also produced this project. A book was released in 1999 including both the 1996 and 1998 part of the project, designed by Erik Worsøe Eriksen and co-directed by Jana Winderen and Per Gunnar Tverrbakk, can be ordered by sending me an e-mail.