The Unseen Realm, performance at Lopud, Croatia, 7 October 2011

As part of the Lopud seminar 2011 Jana played the set The Unseen Realm, recent recordings from the coast and the sea north of Iceland on the recording trip with the ship Dardanella, T-BA21 (Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary) with Tony Myatt and Chris Watson as a pilot project for The Living Archive.

The second part of her performance was based on local recordings of echolocation sounds by bats and bat recordings from Russia, Turkey, Norway, Denmark and water insects from Korea, Thailand, Norway, Sweden and Russia. The concert were performed at night in a Monestary at Lopud.

Sound check photo by Philipp Krummel. Performance by Carl Michael von Hausswollf the same night, photo by Jana Winderen.